Coming Soon: Urban Decay Vice 3

Hello my beautiful reader's, now I know this is 2 coming soon blog posts in a row but I just had to do this post.  

Urban Decay are releasing a third Vice palette!!!

As you can see by the large bold writing I am super duper excited about this palette. At the moment Urban Decay aren't realising to many details about the Vice 3 palette but they have posted 3 photographs on their Facebook and Instagram page. 

In this photograph model Chloe Norgaard is modelling an eye look which was creted using the Vice 3

As I said previously there isn't much information on this palette so there is no known release date yet but if it's like the previous Vice palettes there is a strong possibility that it will be released for this years Holiday season.

If you want to keep update with the news on this palette then I suggest you like the Urban Decay Facebook page,

That's it for today's post, thank you for reading the ramblings of Being A Chronically Beautiful Girl and until my next post remember to stay happy and positive.

Just because you have a chronic illness, cancer, scars, an ostomy, 
a hickmen line, a picc line, a feeding tube or have had an amputation, it 
does not mean that you are not a beautiful person.

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