Sunday Snaps || Bonfire Night 2014

Hello my beautiful reader's, I hope you have all had a very lovely weekend. For today's post I thought I would share with you some of the photographs that I took at a fireworks display on Bonfire Night (5th November). 

Before you look at the photo's I just wanted to say that this was the very first time that I used my new DSLR camera, the Canon 70D so the photos aren't exactly the best but despite that I still wanted to show them to you because who doesn't love pretty fireworks. 

I also took some video footage at the display so I have decided to include it in this blog post too. 

That's it for today's post and thank you very much for reading the ramblings of A Chronically Beautiful Girl. If you went to a Bonfire or Fireworks display on Wednesday I hope you all had a great time and stayed safe, until my next post remember to stay happy and positive.

Just because you have a chronic illness, cancer, scars, an ostomy, 
a hickmen line, a picc line, a feeding tube or have had an amputation, it 
does not mean that you are not a beautiful person.

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