A Bookworm Post: 2015 Wrap Up, 2016 Reading Goals.

Hello my beautiful readers, I am sorry that this post is very late but unfortunately my laptop has been playing up so I was unable to post this any sooner. I do have good news though and that is I should be getting a new laptop very soon, now lets get on to my 2015 wrap up and 2016 reading goals post. Last year I read 10 books and yes I know what your thinking only 10!! That's ridiculous but there is a reason for that. I suffer from multiple health problems that have no cure so to manage the symptoms I have to take certain medications and these medications cause side effects which in turn means I am not able to read that quick or that well. Right that's the explaination out of the way now lets get on. Below you will find all ten books that I read last year with my rating out of 5, I will also post the link to the books goodreads page that way you can read the synopsis and find out what other people thought about the book. 1) Band of Brothe...